Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Effects Of Sleepwalking On The Nervous System

Dennis Powell Professor Key Psy2012 1 December 2015 Have you ever known anyone who has sleepwalked? Perhaps, if you lived with young children, then you may have witnessed an act of sleeping or somnambulism. The characteristics of this parasomnia are simplistic in theory; a person who is a asleep appears to be awake and is performing activities without any knowledge once they awaken. Sleepwalking is common in adolescence due to hormonal changes, but can occur throughout an individual s life. When present in adults it can indicate many more serious psychological issues underlying, for the majority sleepwalking is benign and is grown out of. Some factors that are thought to cause this disorder are: fatigue, fever, which directly affects the nervous system, general illness, stress, or sleep deprivation, although none show definite connection to the illness. Sleepwalking , formally known as somnambulism, is a behavior disorder that originates during deep slumber and results in ambulating or performing other in-volute comportment while asleep. It is much more mundane in children than adults and is more liable to occur if a person is slumber deprived. Because a sleepwalker typically remains in deep slumber throughout the episode, he or she may be arduous to arouse and will probably not recollect the sleepwalking incident. This can be categorized under several distinct sleep-wake disorders and is incorporated in almost all books used by modern psychologists. An episode can lastShow MoreRelatedSleep Is An Important Part Of Our Lives1450 Words   |  6 Pagesare extremely active, yet there is usually no input or output. During this period, along with the random eye movement (REM), there is a complete loss of muscle tone. Essentially, at this point, the motor system is paralyzed (normally the body inhibits any movement). 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