Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Strategic HRM Model and Approaches Samples †

Question: Discuss about the Strategic HRM Model and Approaches. Answer: The Strategic human resource management is implemented on every organization to build up the fame of the organization and to strengthen the pillars of the organization who are the employees of the organization. The Strategic Human resource Management method is needed in order to understand the external environment of an organization as well as the external nature of an organization. This concept basically identifies the role of the HR and it highlights the recruitment strategies of an organization. The objectives of the HR is connected with the function and the running of the organization through the implementation of this the theories that are there in the human resource management. The essay concentrates on the models and the approaches that are associated with the HRM (Sparrow et al., 2016). The applications of the same and the consequences of the application of the same are included in the essay. The HRM models: Harvard model: There are five factors that make up the HRM model. This model have huge amount of contribution in an organization. The first and foremost function of the model is that it connects the department of HR with the strategies of business that forms a major part of the organization. This model is used in the areas of recruitment, selection, training, rewards and ranks of the employees. This serves as the motivation to the employees and it includes the planning of the well-being of the employees. The trainings, the rewards and the ranks increases the urge of the employees to do the work that would in turn increase the revenue and the production of the business. The Harvard model enables an organization to perform systematically. Therefore this is an important model (Jackson, Schuler Jiang 2014). Management by objectives (MBO): The purpose of this is to ensure good quality of the works of the employees. This requires motivation and it can be performed by various methods such as the 360 degree appraisal. Feedback is another form that can help the organization to improve the quality. The feedback of every employee should be recorded. The model states that the employer and the employee both should work simultaneously in order to achieve the goal of the organization. The performance appraisal motivates the employees to perform in a better way. This serves as a motivation for them (Cascio, 2018). The theories of SHRM::Best practice or the universal theory This theory states that there are certain necessary activities of HR that are required to perform by a company in order to gain certain benefits. This practice is necessary to generate the necessary outcome in an organization. The example of this is team work in an organization. This grows the bonding between the employees and the employer and together they head towards attaining the common goal (Brewster, Mayrhofer Morley, 2016). Best fit and the contingency theory This theory is set up to increase the compatibility of any organizations with the competitors. There are many criticisms of the model. The criticism of the model includes that the organization is expected to prepare an alternative plan. The alternative plans are based on assumptions and it sometimes turns out to be irrational and impractical idea. This is also a waste of time. The results of the same might be unfavorable for the organization (Brewsteret al., 2016). Resource-based theory This theory influences the strategies of SHRM of an organization. This theory makes the organization to analyze the resources that are already exists in the organization and this in turn maintains the capability of the organization. The resources are necessary in an organization. In order to have a successful business the employment of the resources are majorly important in an organization. This enables the organization to have success and it enables the organization to maintain the performance in case the resource is utilized in an effective manner. The resources have full potential and they have to be used intelligently and wisely (Brewster Hegewisch, 2017). Practices of HRM In the articles that have been discussed in the worksheets it is mentioned that the human resource management requires dealing with the decisions related to the management of the organization. The organization must ensure that they provide motivation to the employees by offering proper training and reward system. The practices related to the performance management and the rewards are one of the essential parts of an organization. This would increase the efficiency of the employees and would in turn increase the productivity of the employees. The performance management should be done on a regular interval in any organization. The rewards should be the appraisal of some ranks or some kind of monitory rewards. This acts as a strong appreciation of the employees. The interest of the employees remains intact with the system of reward. This is the reason this practice should prevail in the organizations that would have a positive impact in an organization (Bratton Gold, 2017). Therefore from the above analysis this can be concluded that the function of the HRM is huge and it should maintain some innovative strategies to upgrade the brand of the company. This would increase the will of the employees to perform well inside the organization. The organization must keep in mind that the employees are the pillars of the organizations. The organization must implement plans and make efforts to maintain a good culture and environment of work inside the organization. The well-being of the employees must be thought and they should be motivated to perform well. Finally the soft and the hard approach should be taken into consideration. The soft approach enables a good social environment and the harsh approach has adverse effects of the same in the organization. Therefore the HRM has a major function in maintaining the strategic outcome of the organization. References Bratton, J., Gold, J. (2017).Human resource management: theory and practice. Palgrave. Brewster, C., Hegewisch, A. (Eds.). (2017).Policy and practice in European human resource management: The Price Waterhouse Cranfield survey. Taylor Francis. Brewster, C., Houldsworth, E., Sparrow, P., Vernon, G. (2016).International human resource management. Kogan Page Publishers. Brewster, C., Mayrhofer, W., Morley, M. (Eds.). (2016).New challenges for European resource management. Springer. Cascio, W. (2018).Managing human resources. McGraw-Hill Education. Jackson, S. E., Schuler, R. S., Jiang, K. (2014). An aspirational framework for strategic human resource management.The Academy of Management Annals,8(1), 1-56. Kramar, R. (2014). Beyond strategic human resource management: is sustainable human resource management the next approach?.The International Journal of Human Resource Management,25(8), 1069-1089. Sparrow, P., Brewster, C., Chung, C. (2016).Globalizing human resource management. Routledge.

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